We are what we eat

Food and Your Mood

Looking for ways to improve your physical, emotional and mental health? Have you tried all the ‘Diets’ and fads, spent hundreds if not more on supplements, but never really felt any long term improvements? Do you mostly eat ‘healthy’, buy organic, eat with the seasons, vegan, or carnivore and yet you are still struggling with health symptoms, brain fog or mysterious illness.

Food plays a bigger role than you may think! When I discovered the connection between the mind and our digestive system, it inspired me to take charge of my health.

Standard eating and drinking habits negatively impact our thoughts and actions. When our livers are over burdened by toxins and high fat diets, this can weaken your mental clarity and most importantly your immune system.

To support you liver, immune system and your mental health we add in certain foods and beverages at specific times of the day. Starting with even the simplest changes can lead to increased energy making more things possible in your day to day.


What I Offer


The Cleanse

Jumpstart your liver and immune system with a three day cleanse. This is only the first part of a longer medical medium cleanse, use this a jumpstart into the 9 day cleanse or stick with the three days. 

Hatha Yoga Classes

Goup or individual classes. Yoga yolks the body, mind and soul. This can be an amazing tool for finding strenth and inner peace, building to confidence and serenity thoughout you daily routine.


Take me grocery shopping with you! I will walk the isles, read ingredient lists and pick produce with you. Breaking old cooking habits requires new ingredients let me help you find them. 

Custom Meal Plans

Outside of the cleanse protocol there are many other options for uplifting your day to day eating habits. We will focus on adding in healing and supportive foods and beverages. 

In Home Organizing/Cleansing 

Invite me over! I can come to you, help you organize your kitchen and home to set you and your family up for success for the three day protocol and beyond.

Virtual Counseling

If an in home visit is not possible, we can do a virtual meeting and walk through your kitchen or home. We will acomplish most of what we can in person. 

Call Me


Visit Me

Oakdale, Ca