Reconnect. Align. Empower.

Lemon Water Mama


Empower your health with Simple Solutions

Lotus Flower

Reconnect with your true self, Mind, Body and Soul


Find Alignment with in your day to day



find connection and attunement

My purpose: to be loving, authentic and inspiring for you and your family in times of growth and transition. Change is uncomfortable and can be stressful, let simple changes support and guide you through.

What I Offer


The Cleanse

Jumpstart your liver and immune system with a three day cleanse. This is only the first part of a longer medical medium cleanse, use this a jumpstart into the 9 day cleanse or stick with the three days. 

Hatha Yoga Classes

Group or individual classes. Yoga yolks the body, mind and soul. This can be an amazing tool for finding strength and inner peace, building to confidence and serenity throughout you daily routine. Yoga for equestrians available.

Healing with Horses

Come create healing with in, with me and my horses. Spend time in the pasture with them, grooming, learning basic care routines and even work up to riding!  Private, semi-private or group sessions available. 

Custom Meal Plans

Outside of the cleanse protocol there are many other options for uplifting your day to day eating habits. We will focus on adding in healing and supportive foods and beverages.

In Home Organizing/Cleansing

Invite me over! I can come to you, help you organize your kitchen and home to set you and your family up for success for the three day protocol and beyond. If an in home visit is not possible ask about a virtual option.

Grocery Shopping Consults

Take me grocery shopping with you! I will walk the isles, read ingredient lists and pick produce with you. Breaking old cooking habits requires new ingredients let me help you find them.


Jess here…

“A river runs smooth where the water is deep.”

I’m a mom, horse women, cowgirl, roper, bookkeeper, entrepreneur/business owner and homemaker and a practicing gardener. I believe in the feminine and the masculine. I am a sister, daughter, niece, granddaughter, friend, confidant… I am obsessed with lemon water and my health! I am also obsessed with your health and I would love to meet and chat with you.

Offerings & Possibilities


Physical Nutrition

Adding in specific hydrating and nutritious fruits and vegetables at certain times of the day can help your physical and mental health, giving you the energy to go outside for a walk or play with your kids for that extra hour.

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Mental Clarity

If you are struggling with brain fog, anxiety or depression please know it is not all in your head! Your thoughts are not making you sick and you can heal. I am proud of the path you have traveled thus far now it is time to cleanse.

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Spiritual Connection

It seems the world has lost this important connection. Whatever it is that you believe in, something larger than yourself, we can find ways to find, strengthen and grow this connection. 

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find empowerment with a simple daily plan

“You deserve to feel your best. It’s your right to know how to heal.”

Anthony William

Want More?

Want to work together?

Let’s Talk!

Call Me

(209) 493-2601

Visit Me

Oakdale, Ca